Yesterday was children's day. We had so much fun in school. When I went into my class, many of my friends were already there. I knew that they would be excited because it is the last year we are celebrating children's day. At first, we were told to line up and go to the hall. When we reached the hall, it was a bit cold because the air-cond was on in the morning.Then, the teacher called us to put the chairs in front of the hall for the principal, vice principal, teachers and guests to sit. We put the chairs while listening to some music.When the performance started, the principal gave a speech. She broke the record because normally, she speaks at least 30 minutes during the assembly.Then Rui Xing went up the stage and talk some stuff and wished everyone Happy Children's Day.
Then, the performance started. First is the chicky dance, it was so cute and funny that everyone laughed at them. The best was K class and our class's dance. Then, we went back to class and started eating and drinking. While I was eating half way, my friend Ng Wen Hao stood up and accidentally spilled my cup of gassy drink on my pants. He apologised to me and gave me some tissue to wipe it. I just pretended that nothing had happened and called my friend, Bryan to help me take a cup of 100 plus because I wanted to wait for my pants to dry. Not long, I stood up and realised that my pants was already dry so i went out. Ah... i saw my classmate Melanie and Yong Shen from 6B leaning against the wall. They were next to each other and everyone took a photo of them.
See them, so sweet together. Then we have Yuen Loong playing his guitar.
See him trying to attract girls. hahaha!
After that, Vanessa, Bryan and Wei Liang took photos with our Kajian Tempatan teacher.

Next we have Joelle and Aunty Cindy together.
Next, we have Kai Sheng and Bryan jesting around.
After that is Joey,Emily,Wan Xin,Jun Kit,Wei Liang,Li Wei,Melanie and Rose.

Woah! Vanessa pretending to be a ghost and everyone was shocked.
Finally, Joey being carried up by girls. LOL.

Alright. Thats all for now. See you guys...
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