Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday,21 October 2008

Today,school was so boring because there was nothing to do anymore. My friends and I talked about next year 2009. We had so much fun together. I borrowed a lyrics file from one of my friends and sang in class. They were surprised when I started to sing. As if they have never heard me sing before. My school started to have rumours about who like who. Basically, I don't care because I think we are too young to get involve with anybody. Li Wei from my class in 6M pretended to cry to scare away Guo Jun and Cheng Hang from the next class 6K. My friend Tze Liang(from 6M) was talking about sicky stuff. He is known as the wolf since standard 2. I just sat down at my seat, thinking of how fun it will be to be born in 1995 because the students in standars 6 lastroublemaker Matthew did not cause any trouble today. He was too busy going for our school's speech and drama today and it was quiet in class because everyone went to practise for this friday's Children's Day.

See you folks next time.Bye bye, sayonara.